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A community-sourced Poetry Anthology by The Wetlands Centre Cockburn.

We humbly acknowledge the Whadjuk Nyungar people, the traditional custodians of the land, and offer our respects to Elders past and present.

In the intricate tapestry of our world, the wetlands stand as enigmatic realms where land and water intertwine, captivating and teeming with life. “Into the Wetlands” anthology celebrates their essence, as words foraged from the community paint them vividly into transcendence—bursting with imagination and emotions. Diverse voices harmonize, reminding us of our poetic capacity to marvel at nature’s wonders. Through this collection, we honour the wetlands’ ecological importance, their role as metaphors for growth and renewal, and their call to stewardship. Join us on a poetic voyage, where verses become whispers of inspiration, guiding us into the heart of these watery havens.

Curated by Nandi Chinna

What these poems offer us is a sensory encounter with our urban swamps, places that people might drive past every day without realising the rich diversity of life inside the paperbark fringes. The soundscapes of the birds, the crickets, the wind, and the enlivening sensations that being amongst living ecosystems extend to humans. Through lyric, rhythm, imagery and metaphor, these poems show us that wetlands are precious oases within the dry landscape of Perth and the Wheatbelt. Not only do they offer refuge to wildlife, but also to humans needing to connect back to themselves and be surrounded by species more-than-human – a place to sit on the ground on the edge of the lake and listen to the poetry of the wild.

In ‘Walliabup Bunuru Ngank Wirdiny’ the poet writes ‘questions tuck their heads under their wings/and wait for morning. Eight-year-old poet Charlie Maiden tells us that the wetlands set her wondering about life in all its varieties. Wetlands spark the imagination, offer, rest, inspiration, and a lung through which we all can continue to breathe.

We converse, the lake and I...
We know each other and that the cold time is coming
And we breathe hope that flowers will come
New life spring eternal from the sanctity of the seed
When I am gone.

Annie Hill Otnessfrom her poem, Davilak
It's time to wade into the words

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Nurturing Awareness for our Wetlands through Poetry

The Poet-in-Residence Program at The Wetlands Centre beautifully intertwines poetry, art, and environmental conservation. From engaging workshops and events to collaborations with artists, creatives, and poets, the program has fostered a deeper connection to wetlands and their significance. With diverse community participation, the program highlights the transformative power of poetry and inspires a greater appreciation for our natural world. The success of the program exemplifies the vital role of arts and culture in promoting environmental stewardship.

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

Thank you for being a part of The Poet-in-Residence Project at The Wetlands Centre 

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